Huqouq is the first website in the world specialized as a legal platform in the field of legal work. “Huqouq” was launched with the aim of helping clients to facilitate the claim of rights and carry out the correct legal works, while at the same time helping lawyers to use their expertise in various legal fields to achieve appropriate financial income through the Internet. On the other hand, it saves clients a lot of time and effort, as well as it facilitates the process of choosing during their search for the right lawyers to accomplish the various tasks. In “Huqouq” website, you will find a lot of lawyers who are specialized in different legal fields. The matter is not limited to legal claims only, but extends to many other services such as legal advice and drafting contracts, etc. Thus, whatever the nature of the legal works that you wish to accomplish, through “Huqouq” website, you will find who is doing the required job. “Huqouq” platform is considered a safe haven for carrying out your legal requests that it acts as a mediator between the client and the lawyer.